About Combat House

Our Sifu
Sifu Maurice Llewellyn, currently has over 35 years of martial arts experience and has competed successfully at both State and National levels in full contact kickboxing and MMA.
Maurice is a recognized expert in the Heung Suen Wing Chun Kung Fu system of combat after having started with boxing at 10 years of age, Tae Kwon Do at 12, and having practiced Kung Fu since 1987 as well as a variety of martial arts culminating in attaining the master rank in 2010 and becoming one of only 8 red belts in Australia and worldwide in this particular version of Wing Chun and our Sifu is now currently studying Machado Brazilian as a Jiu-Jitsu brown belt under the direction of Sifu Rick Spain. Maurice also holds a Sports Diploma in Fitness and is a fully qualified and registered personal training specialist, a Senior Activities Officer for the PCYC Far South Coast, and a registered facilitator and assessor via the Australia Institute of Sport’s NSW Boxing Australia Modbox program.
Our Rules
At the beginning of each class Sifu will ask the students “Kuen yao sum fat” (The fist comes from the heart), students will reply “hia” ( yes ) also at any time Sifu ask in the traditional manner students must reply in the same.
At all times association members shall show respect to the art, Sifu, and fellow students.
At all times association members shall remain loyal to the art and Sifu.
Courtesy with a full bow is performed at the beginning and end of each lesson. Courtesy without a bow is used within a lesson and as a salutation to Sifu, fellow students and past instructors that have passed down their knowledge and wisdom.
Kung fu hall
The mat is to be treated with respect. Students are to perform courtesy on entering and leaving the training hall. Members not involved in training will show the class respect, i.e. being quiet and not disturbing the students training.
Training equipment is treated with due care, any damage should be reported to your instructor as soon as possible.
The instructor will be addressed as Sigung, Sifu, or Sihing. Talking will be kept to a minimum and punctuality to a maximum. Students who arrive late may not enter the class until so invited by the instructor. Students are to keep training diaries and adhere to the schools standard of behavior and dress. Students must respect all orders given by the instructor inside the training hall.
Any class that is conducted in Sifu’s absence will be under the control of one or more seniors; students must conduct themselves with the utmost respect and courtesy; lack of discipline or disobeying will not be tolerated.
Students grading applications require prior endorsement by their respective instructor. Qualification training periods and requirements must be met.
Students of the W.C.K.F.O are not permitted to teach Wing Chun kung fu unless they have permission in writing from the W.C.K.F.O.
Our Kwoon
The training hall, or Kwoon, is located at 7 Bennett Lane in Pambula. The Kwoon is a sacred place and must be shown the greatest respect at all times.
Our Kwoon is a dedicated facility and a majority of our classes and private appointments take place here. Our students will be advised if classes take place in different locations.
New Classes Starting Now!

Silent Warrior - self development program
Classes starting from just $15